Weiss Architecture Studio

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August 2019


Following planning difficulties over a number of years with schemes by previous architects, Boast Architects and JB Planning Associates have combined with the client to finally gain planning approval in June 2019. Being in Green Belt and close to a local wildlife site, the appearance, larger size and increased height of the replacement dwelling were among the concerns which had to be resolved in the design. The existing house is a converted bungalow and the challenge in the design was to significantly improve the standard of the new first floor accommodation with only the marginal increase in ridge height and building volume. Despite these constraints, a much better layout of bigger bedrooms and bathrooms has now been achieved. We have now been appointed to submit a Building Regulations application as the next step in the exciting process of helping the client to realise their long-held ambitions on this secluded site outside Hertford.

Planning permission has been granted for 15 new dwellings, including 5 affordable units, and a replacement for the existing village shop and post office on the site of a former garden centre in Chipperfield conservation area. Marchfield Homes and their design team worked closely with local residents and the parish council to ensure a sympathetic relationship between the new development and surrounding homes. The layout and design evolved from our own character study of the conservation area, Dacorum Borough Councilโ€™s Character Assessment and Chipperfieldโ€™s Village Design Statement. This informed building scale and use of traditional architectural features and materials. Dwellings range from 2 bedroom cottages to 4 and 5 bedroom detached houses and there are 2 apartments above the village store. As residents were sensitive about the new building on the Chapel Croft frontage, in order to allay their concerns, we produced before and after photo-montage images to demonstrate the appropriateness of its scale relative to existing properties.